
Muse world tour

from 28/03/2023 16:27 to 16/12/2023 19:27
entry time from 16:27


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Muse have announced the dates of the Will Of The People World Tour and Italy will also be present with two concerts in the summer of 2023. The British rock trio will present "Will Of The People" live in stadiums.



But when will Muse play in Italy? Muse will be in concert in July 2023 with two concerts in Rome and Milan. The English band will take the stage at the Olympic Stadium in Rome and at the San Siro Stadium in Milan for the Will Of The People World Tour 2023. These are the dates of the Italian tour of the Muses:

July 18 Rome, Stadio Olimpico
22 July Milan, San Siro Stadium
Muse's stadium tour will be preceded by an exceptional concert next October. In fact, the band will hold an 'underplay' show, that is, in a decidedly undersized location compared to the venues in which it usually performs. Muse will be in concert on October 26 at the Alcatraz in Milan to present their new album Will Of the People in front of a few close friends

The Band's members


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