Design Week 2022

Palazzo Lombardia, Milano
from 07/06/2022 11:00 to 12/06/2022 20:00

Piazza Città di Lombardia is the protagonist of Fuorisalone 2022, confirming its purpose as a space for sharing and experimentation processes.

The Design Week of Palazzo Lombardia is part of the 6th edition of Isola Design Festival. Its immersive experiencing path is exploring the space and time dimensions, through the social design codes. This is a collaborative process with people, needs and current challenges at its main core.


VITA LENTA - From 7 to 12 June, from 11.00h to 20.00h (CEST).

This is a sensorial installation curated by Finemateria, comprehensive of 16 projects from international designers. The projects are grouped in IMA, a Japanese word describing “room to be in”. The guest is invited to linger, extending the slow experience of visiting and understanding the project. This will lead to CHANOMA, the Japanese word for “Tea Room”, a circular space where people can enjoy an introspective dimension. 

THE SOCIAL SIDE OF DESIGN - From 7 to 12 June, from 11.00h to 20.00h (CEST)

The Foyer of Auditorium Testori will host a panel and video exhibition of social design artworks. This is a creative method that allows not only to enhance some aspects of everyday life but also aims to increase inclusion. This exhibition is in partnership with Dutch Embassy and Consulate in Italy.

CREATIVE REGION - 7 and 8 of June, from 11.00h to 20.00h (CEST)

A truck based in Promenade Via Restelli (NP entrance), and travelling around the city, will guest four Austrian designers' innovative projects.

BELVEDERE TOUR – 10 of June, from 15.00h to 19.00h; 11 and 12 of June, from 10.00h to 19.00h (CEST)

Palazzo Lombardia opens the 39th floor to the visitors. This space floating 161 meters high, between the city and the sky. Reservations are required. 

FROM HELL TO HOLLYWOOD Nick Ut’s Photo Exhibition is extended until 12 of June, from 10.30h to 19.30h (CEST), in Spazio IsolaSET of Palazzo Lombardia.

Discover the protagonists


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